What is Dementia?

Dementia Support

From the first few days after your diagnosis right through your journey with Dementia we can offer support for you and your family including information and advice as well as a designated advocate who will be there for you every step of the way. The services we offer are not only practical, but delivered with a caring and emotionally supportive attitude.

We can deliver this service over the phone or arrange a home visit during which we can talk you through what is happening and what to do next.

What is dementia

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a word which describes a symptom, rather than a disease.. There are many different types of dementia although some are far more common than others. Everyone’s journey with dementia is different, and this is why our services are tailored to the individual. The more common dementia type illnesses are described below, but it is important to remember that all symptoms may not affect everyone the same. 

Alzheimer's Disease

Probably the most common known cause of dementia in people with Alzheimer's disease, the chemistry and structure of the brain changes, leading to death of brain cells. The most common journey with Alzheimer's is a slow decline, rather than a rapid one. Medication is available which can also slow down the progression of the disease. The earlier the diagnosis, the more effective the medication

Vascular Dementia

This kind of dementia is caused by the diminishing or cutting off the blood supply to the brain cells. The symptoms of vascular dementia can occur either suddenly, following a stroke, or over time, through a series of small strokes. There are of course other ways that the brain may not receive the pressure or blood supply it requires. Sufferers of vascular dementia tend to deteriorate in steps. These can be small steps, or larger ones, infections, falls, stress and fatigue can all contribute to progression of the illness.

Kosakoff's Syndrome

Korakoff's syndrome is a brain disorder that is commonly associated with heavy drinking over a long period. Although strictly speaking this is not a dementia type illness, many , people with the condition experience loss of short term memory. Sufferers of Korakoff's often demonstrate challenging behaviors and paranoia

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